Extenze is another ‘male enhancement’ supplement that has got a ton of press and infomercials behind it. We’re sure if you’ve ever stayed up late at night that you’ve caught their ad campaign on TV where Dr. Dan Stein, and a bunch of out of

work actors, all claim (scarily convincingly) that their penis has grown as a result of using Extenze.

Unfortunately this is yet another huge LIE by a shady company.

Here are the facts about Extenze that the makers of it never wanted you to know:

1. In July 2006 Orange County District Attorney Office fined Extenze $300,00 for making false claims. Extenze stated that it could make your penis grow larger by 27%… unfortunately there was not only zero scientific evidence to support this, but the pills themselves contained a dangerous amount of lead. Not exactly what you had in mind when you were thinking of your ‘penis of steel’ we’re sure.

2. Extenze continues to violate their settlement agreement with the attorney’s office by sending out promotional material with every order that reiterates the false claims. Don’t believe everything you read…especially if it’s about making your penis grow 24% longer.

3. Fact: Dr. Stein is a money grabbing quack. Sure he may be a real doctor, but he is clearly one who has no scruples about putting his name to endorse a product with no health benefits. Not only does his ad campaign for Extenze suggest that he wasn’t paid to endorse the product (a lie); he also fails to mention his previous role endorsing the bogus product Alzare. You may not have seen that ad- as it was pulled off the air for fraud.

4. If you don’t believe us, check out this cheesy magazine advert for Alzare; starring, you guessed it, Dr. Stein.  Alzare has been called one of the biggest frauds in advertising history: so do you really think we can trust what he has to say about Extenze?

5. Extenze has already ripped off tens of thousands of men: don’t allow yourself to be one of them!

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#cc0000″]The Class Action Lawsuit Against Extenze Approved![/headline_arial_large_centered]

Check out the court documents HERE

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If finally being proud, because you know you’ve got that hardest, firmest, penis fullest of your entire life is important to you… Then I know you are going to want a solution that is fast, effective, and most importantly SAFE!

And that is exactly why I created my brand new book, Bedroom Titan.

Because I know you want to look down and smile at “Thor’s Hammer” when you think about just how satisfied your lover finally is.

So, if you want to learn more about this brand new eBook, just click on the link above.

To your sexual future,

Isabella Stone



  1. hello this is jose bautista. what about this male enhancement called triverex do you have any reports on this. thank you

  2. I don’t beleave that kind thouse pills I just masturbating three time day.

  3. how about the “get naturally huge” website that also advertise their male enhancement products,is it also a scam?because i was curios of what you have said before that no pills on the market today that really enhance penile growth.thanks

  4. Hey Isobella thanks for that great information. Did you do all that research yourself?

  5. I’ve tried extenze.I’ts totally junk..rubbish!

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